Friday, May 2, 2008

Tornado safety 101

Living in Midwest made me look and search for some good information about how to be prepare and safe when there's tornado. We have tornado warning last night and the siren went off around 7:30 and last nearly 30 minutes. A tornado warning means that radar or a tornado spotter has sighted a tornado.My kids and I went on the basement just to be safe and wait there until the we don't have the warning anymore.My hubby called us to know if we're ok! and told me that they all went on the tunnel where the tornado shelter in their work. It's really bad weather last night there are few tornado touch down, heavy rains and hails too in other city thank god we don't have those near our place!

We always go to our basement if we have tornado warning here, the lowest level of the house, near the center of the house and away from doors and windows which is safe place in case tornado happen. Of course large enough for everyone to get into easily and comfortably and kids toys, a small fridge for foods,battery-operated radio,a flashlight and comfy blanket.Just stuff we might need in case something happen:)!
We always looking forward for spring but tornado's tend to develop on hot, humid, spring days.With winds that can range from 100-300 mph and a speed on the ground of 10-50 mph, the tornado can quickly destroy a community with little or no warning. It's great that whenever there's a bad weather we can count on the tv news here, they just cut the regular programs and give information about the weather.A local channel give weather advisories, or as detailed as attending a weather spotter’s class sponsored by the local weather service. All evening we only have news on tv so i did not have chance to watch my fav shows but it's fine as long we know what happening outside our home:)!

Anyway have a safe and good Friday!!

1 Comment:

Jonna Luttrull said...

thanks for stopping by. happy firday there.
